Sunday, June 7, 2009

Review of Select Coupon Program

I mentioned in this post that I was considering trying the Select Coupon Program. I signed up and was directed to select 40 coupons that I would like to receive. A few days later, I received an envelope with $25 worth of coupons in it, selected from the 40 I chose (not necessarily all 40). This is an ok arrangement, but nothing that I'm willing to pay for. (The monthly fee is $4.95, this was a free 1 month trial). All of the coupons available can be found in the Sunday newspapers, and when I purchase the Sunday papers, I will get ALL of the coupons. Not what is selected for me from a list. I would also rather have duplicates of certain coupons than one of each. So, in my opinion, there are more efficient ways to collect coupons than this service.
  • #1 is eBay. I recently purchased 20 "$1.00 off of Over the Moon 1/2 gallon milk" for $1.04
  • #2 is Freecycle. People will offer their coupon inserts from the Sunday papers, you just have to pick them up!
  • #3 is getting creative............ I'm still working on this, but I'm determined to somehow score a bunch of inserts from a local store.
  • #4 is Mom. ;) The only draw back with this option is that I usually see my mom maybe once a month, so time could be limited for some coupons that she saves for me out of her papers. But you can substitute "Mom" for neighbors/friends/vacant houses (hubby was somewhat embarrassed when I picked up a newspaper from a neighboring house that was vacated a few weeks ago!) Happy coupon collecting!

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