Friday, June 19, 2009

Whoa ~ what a great day!

***I started this post over a week ago - before I left for a week in PA - and I'm just going to post it "as-is" right now until I get a chance to finish/edit it!***

Besides being a Friday...
I somehow managed to get us all packed for our week-long trip to Pittsburgh that starts tomorrow morning at a very early hour (grrr), then headed out for some SALE shopping!

First stop was CVS to try out this reported deal on the Style Science Lens Cleaning Cloths that did not work for me :( Oh well... I wonder if CVS caught on by now?

I wanted to quickly run into Giant Eagle for 2-3 things, nothing I needed, but had read about some good deals this week. And they certainly were!
  • (3) Betty Crocker Warm Delights @ 3/$5 - (3) $.50 Qs that doubled.
  • (4) Wet Ones wipes @ $2.29 ea - (4) $.75 Qs that doubled.
  • In Touch Magazine (guilty purchase at checkout thanks to J&K+8 on the cover) $2.99
I got an instant $5 off and $2 off my order (from where??? IDK)
My OOP was $2.84 *gasp* Which is when I realized if I hadn't purchased the mag, I wouldn't have owed anything! PLUS.... I rec'd a $2 OYNO coupon!

Then we bopped into SuperPetz with our FREE dog treat coupon, where we left with a bag of $3.99 Greenies for Nada!

Last stop (finally, I'm hot and tired) was GIANT for their "meat deal".

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Join the CVS Advisor Panel

Go here to become a CVS Advisor Panel member! You will be rewarded for filling out surveys with ECBs ranging from $2 to $15!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Home Depot Giftcard giveaway!

Just head on over to Stretching a Buck, where you can enter to win a $100 GiftCard to Home Depot!

I impressed the cashier!

Once again, I planned my attack well at Safeway, taking advantage of their "Mix & Match" sale. I only purchased items that were included in the sale, AND that I had coupons for. If you purchased 10 of the included items, you received an instant $5 off of your order. I purchased 30, and received $15 off! Add to that $21.77 in coupons (some doubled), and you have a total savings of 70%!
Grocery total: $85.18
Total OOP: $25.59

In looking over my receipt, I noticed an extra $.75 eCoupon that I totally forgot about. If you go to the Safeway website, you can add coupon savings directly to your card!

Free sunscreen!

CVS ~ did the Aveeno deal. Purchase $20 worth of Aveeno products and receive $10 in ECBs.

4 Aveeno sunblock spray @ $10.99 ea. (included a free sample of Lip Conditioner w/ SPF 15 on all)
2 Aveeno face sunscreens @ $11.99 ea. (included a free sample of Daily Moisturizing w/ SPF 15 on all)
Subtotal = $67.94

less: $10 off of $30 CVS coupon
$10 off of 3 Aveeno Positively Ageless products
$10 off of 3 Aveeno Positively Ageless products
$8 in ECBs

Total OOP = $32.95
Received $30 in ECBs

My only concern now is having to spend $30 in ECBs all at once.... it all printed on one coupon. :(

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Last minute trip to CVS, week ending 6/13

I had such a busy week, that I barely made it to CVS this week! It was 8pm Saturday night when I finally got there. Whew! I didn't have a lot to purchase, but it was (as usual) worth it.

  • 2 Dawn dish soaps, on sale for $1 ea, less (2) $.50 q, and $1ecb = FREE!
  • 4 12-packs of Coke products, on sale for $3.25 (4/$13), less (4) $1.00q, and $3ecb = $1.50ea!
  • 2 Colgate toothpaste BOGOf (2 for $1.99), less (2) $1.00q = FREE!
I'm mad that I forgot to use my $4 off of $20 q. :(
But I paid with $10 in ECBs and spent $.41 OOP.

Rec'd $4 in ECBs.

And!!!! this is the most exciting coupon on my receipt.... Save $10 on a purchase of $30 - 3 Days only! I was just reading this deal on Aveeno sunscreen, so now this will make it a definite STEAL!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Review of Select Coupon Program

I mentioned in this post that I was considering trying the Select Coupon Program. I signed up and was directed to select 40 coupons that I would like to receive. A few days later, I received an envelope with $25 worth of coupons in it, selected from the 40 I chose (not necessarily all 40). This is an ok arrangement, but nothing that I'm willing to pay for. (The monthly fee is $4.95, this was a free 1 month trial). All of the coupons available can be found in the Sunday newspapers, and when I purchase the Sunday papers, I will get ALL of the coupons. Not what is selected for me from a list. I would also rather have duplicates of certain coupons than one of each. So, in my opinion, there are more efficient ways to collect coupons than this service.
  • #1 is eBay. I recently purchased 20 "$1.00 off of Over the Moon 1/2 gallon milk" for $1.04
  • #2 is Freecycle. People will offer their coupon inserts from the Sunday papers, you just have to pick them up!
  • #3 is getting creative............ I'm still working on this, but I'm determined to somehow score a bunch of inserts from a local store.
  • #4 is Mom. ;) The only draw back with this option is that I usually see my mom maybe once a month, so time could be limited for some coupons that she saves for me out of her papers. But you can substitute "Mom" for neighbors/friends/vacant houses (hubby was somewhat embarrassed when I picked up a newspaper from a neighboring house that was vacated a few weeks ago!) Happy coupon collecting!

I'm up $50! Thanks Rite Aid!

Today I had the last refill on 2 of my prescriptions transferred to Rite Aid. They have a coupon available in the ad and online for a $25 gift card for each Rx that you transfer from another pharmacy. So I was able to leave with $50 in gift cards! I don't shop often at Rite Aid because of the location, and I'm not a fan of their Single Check Rebate program, but I'm going to give it a shot, at least for the next $50 spent there. And the next time I have my Rx filled, I'll need a new script anyway, so back to CVS it will be.

There is a coupon here for $5 off of any $25 purchase.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

DOUBLE Coupons at K~Mart!!!

I emailed K-Mart customer service, because the last time they ran this promotion, the stores in Maryland were not included! here is their response (rather quick response, I might add):

Thank you for contacting Kmart regarding the Kmart Double Coupon Event. We appreciate your interest in this promotion. This event is for select participating Kmart locations from 6/7-6/13. All of our MD stores are participating. We invite you to visit any of the participating stores. Below are the details of the promotion:

-Manufacturer Coupons up to $2

-Does not include Kmart Store Coupons

-Does not include Kmart Pharmacy Store Coupons

-Does not include copies of manufacturer coupons

-Limit 10 total coupons per customer per day

-Doubled up to current retail price of a single item

Thank you for contacting us and have a nice day.

>>>> >>


Jennifer W.,

Retail Customer Care

Sears Holdings Corporation

So I have 3 days to get my act together (read: high value coupons!) and prepare for a trip, or two, or three..... the 10 coupon limit/day will mean more than one trip for me, hopefully. :)