Where have I been? It's hard to believe that I haven't blogged (here) in almost 2 years! I hope to post more regularly, and maybe even do some "catch-up".
Our family has recently - as in... last week - moved from the Frederick, MD area to "home" in the Pittsburgh, PA area. Eventhough I'm from here, I still find this to be a huge learning experience... I believe mostly because when we left this area, we had a 3yo and an infant! So we really created roots in MD based around the kiddos.... schools, activities, friends :( you get the picture! Meaning this is more of an adventure than you'd think... One that we are facing head on, and having fun along the way (as much fun as you can have unpacking, that is).
Back to blogging about my *job*... hope you like it as much as I do!